If you've ever felt that a lot of your friends or colleagues are robotic and don't think much, I've got some news for you. You're probably right.
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Posts about safety culture:
Announcing New Book: Transform Your Safety Communication
Marie-Claire Ross, author of the highly acclaimed book, Transform Your Safety Communication, is helping safety leaders and safety professionals improve their safety leadership and communication skills, in order to change how workers think about safety compliance.
4 Steps to Leverage Group Behaviour to Improve Safety
We've all experienced the critical, negative work colleague who puts a dampener on everything. They complain about the boss, other staff members, customers, new initiatives and always seem to see something sinister lurking behind a new initiative. They only seem to laugh when someone hurts themselves.
Are tyrants threatening staff safety in your company?
On August 5, 1997, Korean Air airplane Flight 801, crashed killing 228 people.
3 Simple Steps to Improve Safety Culture
High performance companies integrate safety into every company decision. This is because they realise that the safety of their staff is an important part of how they do business, but also that by looking after safety, staff morale, productivity and even profitability improve.
Why Great Workplace Safety Professionals are Artists
The best safety professionals that I've worked with like safety. They read all the right safety magazines and go to all the right safety conferences. But that's not what gets them out of bed in the morning. What they're really passionate about, and what makes them stand out, is their desire to keep as many people safe as possible.