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7 Secrets to Transform Your Safety Communication Skills

Safety communication is often left to safety professionals to write and publish.

Yet, few safety leaders have been trained in how to write or talk persuasively.  In fact, many safety professionals find it difficult to know what to say and how to say it in a way that will positively engage.

Humans are wired to resist change, but with the right techniques you can convince nay-sayers about the need to embrace a new safety program.

This visually appealing presentation provides advice on what safety communication skills are required, in order to successfully develop a safety communication plan.  In this free presentation, you will:

  • Discover the 7 key areas of poor safety communication.
  • 7 techniques to improve buy-in.
  • Understand how to keep improving your safety messages.

Change can be overwhelming to staff.  Make the transition easier by developing the necessary skills to get people to listen, understand and remember safety messages, in order to change safety behaviours.
And pretty soon, you’ll be able to introduce new safety initiatives with little resistance.