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Posts about induction training:

5 Mistakes Companies make with their Standard Operating Procedures

5 Mistakes Companies make with their Standard Operating Procedures

As a safety content producer, I get the rare chance to look at countless standard operating procedures from a variety of large companies.

We use these documents to write clear, friendly scripts, in order to produce training videos that will engage, increase learner understanding and recall.  Nearly, 95% of the time, these standard operating procedures are really hard to read and understand.  And they're very often wrong.

8 Tips to Improve Safety Induction Training

8 Tips to Improve Safety Induction Training

According to the the research paper "Relative Effectiveness of Worker Safety and Health Training Methods" from the American Journal of Public Health in February 2006, engaging safety training is three times more effective than the least engaging methods in promoting knowledge and skill acquisition.  In addition, the most engaging methods of safety training are, on average, most effective in reducing negative outcomes such as accidents.