Today, most leaders theoretically understand the importance of honest, open discussions, so that that potential issues are flagged and important projects don't get derailed.
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Today, most leaders theoretically understand the importance of honest, open discussions, so that that potential issues are flagged and important projects don't get derailed.
A few years ago, I remember reading a glowing interview with the CEO of a large Australian firm about the organisation’s sharemarket success and his new strategic plan. Everywhere you turned there was a business magazine promoting the words of the CEO and his ambitious Asian Pacific focused strategy, while he mocked other Australian companies for not following suit.
One of the indicators of a low trust culture is that gossip rules the airwaves. All you have to do is walk into the kitchen and you will hear employees gossiping about their boss or one of their peers. It might seem harmless, but it points to a culture that is hard to shift. That’s because people are more comfortable with complaining than actually doing anything to improve the situation. Excuses and blame abound.